
Monday, December 14, 2015

Aun - Toy of the past

My favorite toy was a Batman action figure when I was younger. I got from Al Fatah in Pakistan. It was special because Batman is my favorite superhero.
       Batman is a really good fighter because he is third degree black belt in Kung Fu and can do a dragon kick.  He also has a really awesome costume with a mask, so no one can see his face. The costume totally looks like a bat. Batman’s costume is black and black is my favorite color. My Batman’s costume is made of metal and his mask can open automatically.
     Batman had wings to fly. He had a freeze bomb and a concussion bomb. He also had a Batrang to throw at his enemies. He also had his own car called the Batmobile and it had some cool features in it. For example, it had an engine boost, laser shots, etc. 


  1. Aun,

    When I was growing up we played with Batman and Robin action figures. They were pretty cool then too.

    This week at school we are talking about Everyday Superheroes. Do you know of an Everyday Superhero?

    My Everyday Superhero is Mom because I can go to her for anything. She is always there for me no matter what! If I am happy she will celebrate with me and when I a sad she will let me cry and give me a hug.

    Another Everyday Superhero that I have are all of our Police, Fire Fighters, Military, and Emergency workers. They have a tough job and they all are proud of what they do. They love saving people, helping people, and you can always count on them.

  2. Dear Mikelle,

    I liked you comment about everyday superheroes. My everyday superhero is my older cousin. Like your post, my older cousin is always there for me no matter what! He always helps me with my studies and plays games with me. He always plays soccer with me.


  3. Aun,
    Soccer is an awesome game. I have four nephews that play soccer and they are very good at it. What position do you play?

    That is great about your cousin being your superhero. It is always great to have someone to look up to and who cares.

    This week in class we will be talking about he Cowboy Gathering that happens in Texas every year.

    What is your favorite subject in school? Do you have a favorite teacher?

  4. Dear Mikelle:

    I play forward in soccer. Forwards try to help to score goals. They also go back to help defend when the other team has ball. My favorite subject in school is Math. I like that you have to solve problems and use equations. I think that is interesting. I don’t really have a favorite teacher. My favorite food is pizza from Pizza Hut. I think their pizza is really, really good.



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